6 month pics

Thursday, December 17, 2009

I am a super duper bad blogger!!! It has been months since I have posted an for the two of you that actually check in on me, it has probably been frustrating. Here is a taste of what is to come. I have many photos to put on my computer but I thought I would at least post Kashs' 1 year pics to start. He was not a happy camper in this photo shoot. I had to stand right next to him the entire time. We are headed to AZ for the holiday so I will post more then.

Friday, July 3, 2009

My grandmother passed away in May. We headed down for a sad trip to Arizona.

This was Kashs' first trip on an airplane. He did so amazing. He never cried once. In fact, he laughed pretty hard on our rough landing.

This highchair has been at my grandparents house for like 40 years (really!). Every grandkid has sat in it and lucky Kash finally got his turn.

Pope Diaper Head!! This picture is in honor of the late Grandpa Hendriks. He always gave a "thumbs up" in pictures.

Kash loved the pool. Tyler almost ruined it though. He dove off the diving board and didn't surface until he was right in Kashs' face. Kash thought for sure that Loch Ness herself was coming to get him!

My cute cousin Kyle cuddling with Kash.

My cousin Chris teaching Kash how to fly. He would do this everytime Chris lifted him up. It kind of looks like an ice skating pose.

Kash and Grams pooped after a long hot Phoenix day.

Two of my favorite peeps!!

Lunch with my pop and brother. Why we sat outside in the flippin 100 degree heat, I will never know...

Kash found Alices hair and pulled the daylight out of it.

My handsome boy in his fancy tie.

My step-mom Judy. She is a real sweetheart!


The Calvin and Dori Udall Family

Dad and Kash called window on the ride home.

Mothers Day 2009-

My momma came down to spend Mothers Day with us. She is one of my favorite people in the entire world. I cant wait to be closer to her when we move to Idaho. Everything I am or hope to be, I owe to her. She is my rock! I LOVE YOU MOM!

This is Ty's mom Cindy. I am so greatful to her for being such an incredible mom to Tyler. She is so kind and loving. She taught Tyler everything about being kind and good. We love you Cindy!
Bath Time Fun!!

Pardon the peep show!!!

Texas and Trigger babysitting while we get the camper ready for summer.

This is Kash in the camper. I was cleaning it out while Ty was fixing the heater. He was such a good helper.

Kash at 7 months. He is doing some crazy "do as I'm doing" arm thing.

Sadie loves this kid! She always sleeps by him. He can pull on her hair and rip on her ears and she just sits there. They are going to be the best of friends.

My cookie monster!!! This was the first time he had a teething biscuit. I was covered and so was he!

Kashs' First Easter

We spent half of Easter in Idaho with my mom and the other half with Ty's parents. Kash was not really into the eggs- go figure!

It was fetchin cold of course. Kash was looking rico suave with his shades.

Family pic. We were moving my mom into her house so needless to say, we look stunning.

Kash and Dad with a camo egg.

I absolutely love this picture. I just wish Kash was looking at the camera- and Grandpa didn't have a poop shovel in his hand! :)
In April my mom, aunt and I went to see the Broadway play Wicked. It was absolutely amazing. I instantly fell in love with it.
These were are "Wicked" awesome seats! My mom and aunt are in the middle, both with dark brown hair. We were in the sixth row thanks to a Dr. I work with. He was able to buy a ton of tickets and sell them to all the girls at work.

Kashs' six month pic. We take his pic every month with this dog.

Kash and his first time eating baby food. He did like it although you would question that by his face.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Excuse the mess in this picture but I thought it was cute. Everyone is so tired. Poor Sadie is falling off the couch. Ty just put in a long day at work and Kash had a hard day being cute.
Dang these sideways pictures! I have tried everything to get them straight. Anyway, this is my great friend Kristy with Kash. She loves him so much and he loves to go to her house! This was taken at my friends bridal shower. The theme was cowboys and indians.

This is Gentry, Kashs' cousin. She is so good with him!

We went to Arizona for Thanksgiving. I wanted my grandma to meet Kash. This is my four generation picture with her and my mom. We also took pictures of our hands. Can you tell where I get my hands from!? It was so fun to be around family. I got the 24 hr flu on Thanksgiving morning so I didn't really get the best part of Thanksgiving.
This is Kash in his snow suit and Elmer Fudd hat. My grandpa "Popeye" used to wear these cool hats so when I saw a Kash sized one I had to get it.

This is a family pic on Kashs' blessing day. Everyone had gone home and Tyler had just gotten in his pj's when I decided we needed a photo. I made poor Ty put his suit back on!

Kash and his buddy Wyatt. Wyatt is our best friends son. He is 5 days older than Kash. We went through our pregnancies together and will raise our boys together too! Both Ty and Wyatt's dad Todd love to hunt. Our boys already have their first hunting trips planned.

I love this picture. Kash looks like he is ready to get in a bar fight! I was taking some cute naked pics and he threw this one at me. He looks not so happy with his mother! The red mark on his chest is a birthmark shaped like a heart. He is so full of love it is spilling out onto his body!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Kash and his cowboy hat.
Man he is cute!

Kash just discovered Dads facial hair.

Kash on Red. The first of many horse rides I am sure! He just looked at of the horses like they were big dogs.