6 month pics

Monday, March 2, 2009

Excuse the mess in this picture but I thought it was cute. Everyone is so tired. Poor Sadie is falling off the couch. Ty just put in a long day at work and Kash had a hard day being cute.
Dang these sideways pictures! I have tried everything to get them straight. Anyway, this is my great friend Kristy with Kash. She loves him so much and he loves to go to her house! This was taken at my friends bridal shower. The theme was cowboys and indians.

This is Gentry, Kashs' cousin. She is so good with him!

We went to Arizona for Thanksgiving. I wanted my grandma to meet Kash. This is my four generation picture with her and my mom. We also took pictures of our hands. Can you tell where I get my hands from!? It was so fun to be around family. I got the 24 hr flu on Thanksgiving morning so I didn't really get the best part of Thanksgiving.
This is Kash in his snow suit and Elmer Fudd hat. My grandpa "Popeye" used to wear these cool hats so when I saw a Kash sized one I had to get it.

This is a family pic on Kashs' blessing day. Everyone had gone home and Tyler had just gotten in his pj's when I decided we needed a photo. I made poor Ty put his suit back on!

Kash and his buddy Wyatt. Wyatt is our best friends son. He is 5 days older than Kash. We went through our pregnancies together and will raise our boys together too! Both Ty and Wyatt's dad Todd love to hunt. Our boys already have their first hunting trips planned.

I love this picture. Kash looks like he is ready to get in a bar fight! I was taking some cute naked pics and he threw this one at me. He looks not so happy with his mother! The red mark on his chest is a birthmark shaped like a heart. He is so full of love it is spilling out onto his body!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Kash and his cowboy hat.
Man he is cute!

Kash just discovered Dads facial hair.

Kash on Red. The first of many horse rides I am sure! He just looked at of the horses like they were big dogs.